Dress Up for Future – 直営オンラインストアの売り上げの一部を寄付へ


こうした事態に直面し、日常生活に大きな影響を受けているお子さまやそのご家族の支援のため、KAORUでは、2020年4月6日(月)~5月31日(日)の期間、直営オンラインストア「KAORU Online Store」のお買い上げ金額の10%をー社会福祉法人中央共同募金会の赤い羽根『臨時休校中の子どもと家族を支えよう 緊急支援募金』ーに寄付することにいたします。


Dress Up for Future









– Dress Up for Future –

Part of the on-line store sales will be donated to Red feather community chest.


Due to the expansion of coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, the world if facing anxious situation. To support children and their families whose daily life have been largely affected, KAORU has decided to donate 10% of sales amount of on-line store “KAORU Online Store” during Apr 6~May 31, 2020 to “Red feather community chest” 『To “supporting eyo kinkyushiembokin in child and families closed temporarily” request for contribution』.


Dress Up for Future

For yourselves, for your precious friends and for the future.


Twenty years in a city in Kyoto. KAORU started from a small event space in a department store and its brand has been able to grow with support from many people. KAORU has decided to donate to Red feather community chest to express our gratitude to our familiar people.


We pray that peaceful days will return as soon as possible and KAORU will continue to manufacture products that will bring happiness to life.

Wishing that the small light made by KAORU will bring great hope.

KAORU Online Store